Saturday, July 03, 2010

Is This Color Better?

UPDATE: I think I'll keep the blue for a while. Beige, brown, whatever is so boring!

Beige rather than the pink? I'll admit, it's easier on the old eyeballs. Gotta keep my 'followers' happy.

Spent a wonderful day at my house baking with three co-workers (it's rare that one is lucky enough to have co-workers you like enough to become friends). We had an excellent lunch in the backyard; watched some birds, listened to the fountain, and had a few laughs. This is what life is about.


Robert Crane said...

nice touch with the birds up in the corner and everything. kinda like the whole feel. it goes well with a chardonnay from randy johnson country. possibly a "horse heaven hills" from columbia crest! yes, that would do nicely. of course that means i'll have to visit your blog after 5pm.

itsmecissy said...

Or a "horse pucky pinot" from Upsate New York?

I wanted the pink bob, but you know how "followers" are (we pitch a fit about everything). I'll bet if Oprah read your blog, you'd be a makin some changes but quick!!!

wink, wink, wink

lightly said...

bloody women, its light brown, not beige.
the last color you called pink not rosy stirling, "PINK"

now stop messing with us , men can only see primary colors

its red , blue , green , yellow
and in your case we will make an exception and add pink

now say after me BROWN

like the birds in the top corner, thanks bob because to be quite frank i never notices until you pointed it out.

Pam said...

We make a great horse pucky merlot here in Upstate NY.

What happened to the beige? I like beige or brown or tan or whatever the heck you call it.

Frankly, I'd rather see cats up in the corner.

lightly said...

there are plenty weekends that i come out of , that make you say "what the hell just happened"
but i have never had one where i thought "holi horse pucky this would look nice in whore blue"

when i have my next party you on the list.