Tuesday, September 07, 2010

"Burn a Koran Day"

I thought it was a rumor that a certain segment of our society never left the Dark Ages, but Pastor Terry Jones is living proof (I've taken down the link to the video).

Sadly, this is less a news story than an unfortunate act by a few small-minded and ignorant individuals. The only reason it is a news story, and thereby a hazard to our troops is because the media has allowed the message to be hijacked by this group, who is in no way representative of the majority of Americans, or the majority of Christians.

Under-educated, filled with Fox propaganda, or influenced by the perversion of a 2000 year old religion of "a cross in one hand and a sword in the other" mentality. If intolerance, hate, exclusion, racism, violence, or inciting violence is Christianity, then Gandhi was right. This extremist preacher and his followers do as much for the polarization and division of our world as the extremists they condemn.

The media is just giving them what they want by feeding their flames with publicity and the Jerry Springers of the future have an endless supply of guests.


Randy Johnson said...

Well said itsmecissy. This Florida preacher and his ilk are doing more to further Osama Bin Laden's agenda than Osama could ever have hoped to do on his own. (kind of like Bush did with his knee-jerk reactionism.) Not only are these people you speak of small minded, ignorant, etc., they are actually working for the enemy!! Thanks to them, Bin Laden will celebrating even more than usual on THIS September 11th.

Pam said...

Does anyone really know what the words "Christian", or "jihad", really mean? The ten commandments are just that, not the ten suggestions. What happened to "Thou shalt not kill" ?

I guess I'm just getting old and realizing my own mortality. I'm into Peace, Joy, and Love. It keeps me acutely connected to something a lot Greater than this planet.

As far as I'm concerned, you can bag "The News" with all its negativity and energy sapping blather.

Happy trails...and remember not to step in the horse pucky.

itsmecissy said...

And notice how no one on the right: McCain, Bohner, McConnell, Palin, etc., is standing up to say that this is just plain WRONG.

Buncha hypocrites!

Robert Crane said...

Okay, this is why the first amendment is important. It exposes these guys for what they are, practitioners of bigoted numbskulliness. They use the first amendment, we find out who they are and what they're up to. Like that Fox line-up.

Simple like that!

itsmecissy said...

Simple indeed, all three of you.