Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union Address 2010

Dear President Obama,

Tonight, I want to hear you talk about 3 things: jobs, economic security and health care reform.

I want to hear about the steps you will take in saving American jobs from outsourcing. Each job we lose everyday is a job lost. You said during your campaign that you would stop the outsourcing of jobs to cheaper countries like India, but you aren’t talking about that anymore. How about some tax credits for small businesses that stay in the USA? How about helping students pay off college debt and really cracking down on Wall Street? How about a stimulus package for everyday Americans? I am tired of the empty rhetoric, your obsession for Republican love and approval, and this stupid “freeze” gimmick. I want to hear you challenge the left and right wing of the House and Senate to write and pass laws that will work for ALL Americans.

You need to forcefully and decisively charge the Democrats to pass a healthcare bill that includes a strong public option. Remind them of the mandated majority that swept them to victory in the first place because in 2012 they might not be so lucky.

And finally, Mr. President, I hope you realize you need to lead and to fight for the promises you made in your campaign. The American People elected a Democrat and you have to start listening to the American People.


lightly said...

wow is someone in for a big disappointment.

itsmecissy said...

It could be worse lightly, John McCain could have been elected President...and died 7 months ago.

Pam said...

Listening to the people!? Good luck on that one.

There are plenty of jobs in India where you make $2.00 per hour. The best thing to do is join the U.S. military. At least it's warmer in Afghanistan than upstate NY right now.

Health care is a lot of horse pucky. People need to stop eating jelly doughnuts and exercise.

Both Dems & GOP should all be run out of town. They're all in it for the life time retirement package that taxpayers pay for.

Great post by the way.