Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Face of Ignorance

Pat Robertson is a fraud, an uneducated charlatan and snake oil salesman who has neither heart nor soul. He peddles hate and calls it religion while wearing his $1,000 suits and living in his $16 million mansion. Just when I thought religion and religious people couldn't be more comical for the ignorant things they believe, this whack-job opens his mouth. He is the poster child of the conservative movement in this country.

It is hard to believe that people actually believe his garbage. His insane comment about the victims of earthquake-ravaged Haiti as being "cursed" because of a "pact to the devil" is yet another classic example of why our Founding Fathers wrote into our Constitution the separation of church and state. If religious fanatics like this man were elected to high office, he'd be burning witches in front of the US Capital building!

Unless I'm wrong, I thought that one of the main tenets of the christian faith was to love thy neighbor and treat others like you'd want to be treated. Why then, would Pat Robertson say such a heinous thing about Haiti at a time when tens of thousands of people are dying from a natural disaster? If he were a Christian he might be more concerned with the human suffering than assigning meaningless moral blame. He is a sadistic money-maker who will say any outlandish foolishness to start a controversy to get attention.

Then again, his comments are not a big surprise. Reverend Robertson is a delusional, hypocritical, religious parasite who is completely out of line and showing nothing short of complete insensitivity. We have been listening to this type of garbage from the far right far too long. (Unfortunately, we will have to listen to one more idiot now that Fox news has added their new commentator to their lineup).

So send your relief money for Haiti to the Red Cross, UNICEF, etc., and don't send to any so-called Christian relief organizations. Chances are it will end up in the pocket of someone like Pat Robertson, who when he dies, will become fodder for worms, just like the rest of us.


lightly said...

i'm sure he has a KKK outfit in his closet.

the reason that he wears $1000 suits is because there are lots and lots of people who believe the crap he speaks.

not sure who has a pact with the devil but i sure the devil has a nice warm seat available just for mr robertson.

to bad that as the angel of death i can only remove the spirit from the body, i cannot send them to hell.(okay you can stop throwing holy water on the screen, i'm not the angel of death ..... or am i)

well at least i think i'm only the angel of death , pat robertson thinks he's GOD

AzKD said...

Whoa! Alriiighty then! I feel like I just winessed a fist swinging, spit flying smackdown! (AzKD ducks...)Spew it Cissy! You go girl!

The far right? Are you kidding? There is nothing 'right' about it. Only ---> WRONG!

Pam said...

Death is the great equalizer. Pat Robertson will get his just rewards.

Meahwhile, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest his armpits.

Robert Crane said...

geeh, I don't know. i sorta like pat robertson. no! no! wait! maybe that was bat masterson I liked.

yeah, come to think of it, you're right about pat. he's stupider than tar in winter. And if you know a thing or two about tar, that's about as stupider as stupider can be.

Makes you wonder what's up with God if that's one of the morons he's talking to. What's that all about?

Randy Johnson said...

I agree with you 100% on this one itsmecissy! Your post reminds me of a Jim Hinde called song "God Connection" that you might like. I can't seem to figure out how to post a link here, so here it is the old fashioned (copy and paste) way: