Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Taking the Long Way Home

I don't remember who it was that said that the journey is more important than the destination but stopping to smell the roses was just what the Dr. ordered today.

I had a dental appt this morning - a little minor oral surgery and crown replacement - and had planned to go into work afterwards. No big deal. But as often happens, things didn't quite turn out that way and I ended up not making it to work . . . which didn't disappoint me in the least.

Anyway, when all was said and done, I decided to take the long way home. It's about a 20 minute drive from Capitola/Santa Cruz (the dentist) to my house via (the Pacific Coast) Highway One, or 45 minutes to an hour via the back roads. Since it was such a beautiful day (about 70 degs) I got me an iced latte at Starbucks (for when the novocaine wore off), opened the sun roof, put on the "Classic Vinyl" station on my XM radio and took a favorite route through apple orchards, commercial rose growing fields, and rows and rows of strawberries. I take this route when I have a lot on my mind or just need to think (this was also a favored drive of my Mom's and I always feel her near when I go this way). There's a llama ranch along this stretch of road too and a dozen or more were sunning themselves near the fence as I passed. How can people make rugs out of these beautiful animals?????

The sunshine, the music, the smell of the acacia trees in bloom was just what I needed. I even stopped at a flower stand and bought a bouquet of wildflowers to bring home. Violet "the Destroyer" will be pleased.

This was my unplanned day off and taking the long way home.


Anonymous said...

Those unplanned days are usually the best. It seems we go into gratitude mode and each sight, sound and smell is felt more intensely when an unexpected day off turns into a sensual delight.

There are so many lovely images you conjured up that I'm ready to pack my bags and head west, or at least find pleasure in the mounds of grass plowed up on top of dirty, salty snowbanks.

I like the memory of your Mom. She was with you today, you know.

Dare I ask who Violet "the destroyer" is?

itsmecissy said...

Violet "the Destroyer" is my youngest (5 year old) feline animal child. I can't have anything remotely resembling real live plants within her reach. She does have her own basket of wheat grass and it keeps her busy and distracted.

I couldn't live without her.

Anonymous said...

Cats are wonderful! I have a black domestic short hair male (feline that is) named BEAR. He loves to bring me presents such as mice, squirrels, and small children.

That's why I have three grandchildren.