Monday, April 07, 2008

The CSU is the Solution!

The California State University that is, but our illustrious Republican "No New Taxes" Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to cut $386 MILLION from the CSU budget. In a time of budget crisis there are MORE reasons to fund public higher education than not:

1) California's economy thrives on knowledge-based innovation; higher education is the key to a troubled economy; people with bachelor's degrees earn more and add more to the tax base

2) Every dollar the state invests in the CSU directly generates $4.41 in spending; add to this the higher earnings by CSU graduates, and the return increases to $17 for every dollar invested by the state

3) The CSU prepares the people who do exactly the type of work the Governor says we need - engineers, teachers, and nurses; of all degrees granted in CA, CSU awards 51% in engineering, 64% in nursing ad 65% in business. If too few Californians are earning four-year degrees, we will not be able to meet future trained workforce needs

In perspective, spending for the War in Iraq now costs $720 million per day, including deferred costs such as long-term care for the wounded and interest on our debt. According to the American Friends Services Committee, for just one day's funding for the war, we could provide health insurance for 424,000 children; put 35,000 students through a 4-year college; pay the annual salary of 12,500 new classroom teachers, or buy school lunches for 1.2 million needy kids.

And, imagine what $720 million would mean to the CSU?

(OK, off my soap-box)

1 comment:

Jim Wetzel said...

You should consider stepping back up onto that soap box. Your soap box needs you!