Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Proud. Proud. Proud.
I am especially proud to be an American today.

The dark clouds over this nation are moving away;
Good bye to the old, make way for the new.

It's not going to be easy, let's roll up our sleeves
and get to work!

The page has been turned.

We've looked in the mirror and have finally become
the country we always knew we were.

(Party at my house January 24th, you're ALL invited!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't want me there at your party. I'd be a killjoy and would undoubtedly cause some Obama voter to lose his cool.

Congrats on the weight loss. I've lost 25 pounds about 3 months after my last physical. Now I'm only a few pounds overweight. Doc says I may even live to see tomorrow. ;o)

Take care!
Later Cissy!