Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Laws for California in 2008

To name just a few…

#1: The Mel Gibson law. It’s now a misdemeanor for a peace officer or law enforcement employee to leak confidential information for financial gain.
This is silly. When was the last time a cop earned a thousand dollars for passing on a photo? Besides, Paris Hilton needed the publicity...

#2: It is now an infraction punishable by a $100 fine to smoke with a child under 18 in the car - whether the vehicle is in motion or not. Note: Traffic officers would not be able to stop a driver for the smoking violation alone but could tack it on to another infraction such as speeding.
OK, call this “Nanny Government” but it’s about time we start protecting kids from smokers.

#3: July 1st, it will be illegal for any driver to use a handheld phone except during emergencies. It will also be illegal for a driver under the age of 18 to use a wireless phone - even if it's hands-free - as well as other mobile devices like PDAs, laptops and pagers.
Ever seen someone text-messaging while driving 85 mph on the highway? My sister does it in Las Vegas (sorry Pudd!)

#4: Increase in the minimum wage: $8.00 per hour ties us with Massachusetts.
If you live here, you know why this is important

#5: New rebates will be available for homeowners and businesses that install solar water heaters.
I’m going to take advantage of this one this year

#6: The state's presidential primary has been moved to earlier in the campaign season.
Got my primary election voting material in the mail this past Saturday – can’t wait for February 5th!

#7: Sperm washing: this allows women to have healthy babies with partners who are HIV-positive.
… who may not live to see the child grow into adulthood?????????????????????????????

And my personal favorite…

#8: We now have a law that prohibits a person from being forced to have a radio frequency identification device implanted in his/her body.
OK for library books and pets, but not for humans, ROFLMAO!

1 comment:

Jim Wetzel said...

OK, a couple of questions. Re: #2, if it's illegal to smoke in a car containing anyone under age 18, why shouldn't it be equally illegal to do so in a house containing same?

And, re: #7: has "sperm washing" been illegal up to now? I guess I don't understand what "sperm washing" and the law have to do with one another ...