Monday, May 14, 2007

North, to Alaska!

My husband and I are off on our 2nd trek to Alaska, returning on May 25th. I can't explain the beauty or 'majesty,' I've never actually used that word, but somehow it's appropriate (if you've ever been to The Great Land, you'll understand.) We will spend this week in Seattle -my fave BIG CITY (must be all the coffee!) - then sail on Friday. Signing off until we meet again...Peace.


lemming said...

Look forward to hearing about he rip - I've always wanted to visit Alaska. Sound like spring is the time to do it, in between cold season and bug season. :-)

Jim Wetzel said...

Welcome back! And now, without further ado ... where's the pictures??!?!!?

Robert Crane said...

you're right. majesty doesn't even do it. it's more like infinity majesty plus eleven (or around there). i can understand why people choose to live there and i would too except that all sun and then all dark thing.

welcome back!

itsmecissy said...

OH MY, the pressure! We took about 900 pics and have waded through 630 so far...stay tuned.

P.S. I'm moving to Sitka when I retire...not much snow and the bald eagles abound like pidgeons here. Really AWSOME!!

P.S.S. lemming- in July & August, I've heard the mosquitos are as big as sparrows --- definitely NOT FOR ME!

Randy Johnson said...

Can't wait to go back to The Red Dog Saloon in Juneau.